Saturday, February 29, 2020

4 things you can do at work to produce less trash

1.- Do not use foam cups for coffee/tea/water

Every day, approximately 1,369 tons of Styrofoam is buried into U.S. landfills.

Most work places in the US do not have a recycling bin. Even if they do, foam cups (#6 PS) are very difficult to recycle. Think about the fact that Americans throw away 25,000,000,000 Styrofoam coffee cups every year.

Bring your own mug and your own water bottle. You will not only reduce your waste, but you might be doing a favor to your health. Encourage your co-workers to do the same, maybe with a positive quote on your cup!
Image taken from this Etsy Store

2.- Print on both sides of the paper

The average American office worker is estimated to use a sheet of paper every 12 minutes—a ream per person every two and a half working weeks—and to dispose of 100-200 pounds of paper every year.  U.S. paper consumption is over six times greater than the world average.

In simple words:
A lot of people in USA is trigger-happy when it comes to printers. It only takes a second more to change the options to two sided prints and save one sheet of paper.

Think about the amount of paper you are wasting. If you must print only on one side, then try re-using the other side for taking notes or printing again in a later occasion.

(If you do not want to do it for the planet, then do it for the money: This wonderful guide presents a business case on how reducing paper consumption saved money to Bank of America, Nike and others)

3.- Bring silverware, reusable napkins or even your own plate!

Why not go easy with the single-use plastics and bring your own silverware to eat? It is as simple as grabbing 1 spoon, 1 knife, 1 fork and put them in your work bag. Extra brownie points if you have a reusable napkin.

You don't think this is something that is worth to do? There is a case study from Minnetonka Middle Schools shows how these schools were able to prevent 6,712 pounds of trash while saving $23,000 over three years by switching plastic utensils for reusable.

If money nor the environment are motivators for you...

Where was your own cutlery before using it?
Where was the plastic one? Are you sure that it was in a clean place?

Plastic cutlery is not the only single used items: paper plates are a common item at office kitchens. Why not have a plate at work that you can use for your meals instead?

4.- Unsubscribe to all those magazines you don't really read
1 ton of coated paper for magazines needs anywhere between 8 to 15 trees. Let's face it: How many of the magazines you actually read this year? Maybe is time to unsubscribe.

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